Hampton University Office of Advancement & External Engagement

Hampton University Officially Dedicates Kennedy Hall Lobby In Honor of Former Dean of Residence Life, Jewel B. Long

HAMPTON, Va. (February 20, 2020) – Hampton University hosted a dedication ceremony in honor of former Dean of Residence Life, Jewel B. Long inside the lobby of John S. Kennedy Hall on Valentine’s Day. The lobby was packed with Hampton administration, staff, faculty, students and family of Ms. Long. Hampton University’s President, Dr. William R. Harvey, provided the official naming of the lobby.

“We are here on this very auspicious occasion to recognize a phenomenal woman. It is very fitting for us to name this lobby in Kennedy Hall in honor of Ms. Jewel B. Long. The Hamptonian for which the lobby is being named has been a member of the Hampton family for over 50 years. Over the years, she has given of her time, her talent, her energy, her values and all that is good on behalf of this wonderful institution,” said Dr. Harvey. “Ms. Jewel B. Long, you made a significant impact on Hampton University. You have worked tirelessly and diligently to instill in all of our students the tenets of the Hampton man and the Hampton woman. On behalf of all those who have walked these hallowed grounds, it is my pleasure to thank you for your service and to officially name this lobby, the Jewel B. Long Lobby.”

Ms. Long provided the group with a wonderful and emotional speech about her arrival to Hampton University in 1965 and the journey her life has been.

“Being here today is a divine set up. It is with awe and humility that I stand here. Who would have ever thought that in September of 1965, when I moved into 309 Stone Manor, with the understanding from my mother, ‘Yes, you may go to Hampton. You can go for one semester. I don’t know about any other semesters because we don’t have any money.’ And God is to be glorified. Here we are. I got to stay 54 years and four months in a place where I never had any idea if I’d stay any longer than that December. It has been an exciting journey. I have enjoyed every minute of it. I consider being at Hampton my assignment,” said Ms. Long. “Thank you so much. I am glad that my work has spoken for me and that I have lived to see the accolades and the thanks for what I’ve done. I’ve never been a center of the floor person. I was always the sideline person who wanted to cheer everybody else on, and if you understand and accepted my brutal honesty, I was your person. I shall continue to see. I shall continue to speak and if you can use what I say when I say it to you, that’s fine. If you don’t want to use it, that’s still fine.” 

Ms. Long also received gratitude and congratulatory remarks from Congresswoman Elaine Luria.

Ms. Jewel B. Long is a 1969 and 1971 graduate of Hampton University, where she received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Education and a Master’s degree in Guidance and Counseling, respectively. As soon as Ms. Long arrived at Hampton University in 1965, she went to work in the Office of Student Activities, which eventually became the Office of Student Affairs. Ms. Long remained at Hampton until she decided to retire in January of 2020. During that 54-year journey, she served as Residence Hall Director, Assistant to the Dean of Women and Supervisor for Academic Regalia. In 1988, Ms. Long was named Dean of Women, which her title later changed to Dean of Residence Life.

Ms. Long plans to broaden her volunteer opportunities and recently retrained to become a Hospice Volunteer with Riverside Hospital. Her expectations are to keep her eyes open, and when she sees needs that she can fill, she will be sure to step up and fill them. Just as she felt that her service to Hampton University was an assignment from God, she believes that she was predestined to serve others.