Hampton University Office of Advancement & External Engagement

President’s Letter to HU Alumni

Dear Hampton University Alumni:

Congratulations on setting a new alumni giving record!  For academic year 2019-2020, Hampton University alumni gave over $3 million in annual contributions to our “Home by the Sea.”  This was the most that our wonderful alumni have ever contributed in a single year!  You are to be commended for your dedication to your alma mater. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support.

Your level of giving exemplifies your belief in and commitment to the foundation upon which Hampton was built, a foundation of excellence, academic achievement, and character.  In an 1868 letter, our founder, General Samuel Chapman Armstrong, wrote, “I wish my institution to excel in whatever it undertakes.” He said there were two tenets that he wanted to prioritize. The first was a strong academic offering, which today would be called workforce development. The second was the development of character. Of the two, he said that the development of character was more important. General Armstrong defined character traits as truth, integrity, respect, trust, loyalty, and good personal behavior.  As a result, he made the development of character a vital part of what every student and graduate of Hampton should possess. He sought to build character within all who walked these hallowed grounds.  Thank you for honoring these tenets.

The world is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic with over 3,335,000 cases and over 135,000 deaths.  Yet, you gave.  Over 30 million Americans have lost jobs.  Yet, you gave.   Our nation is in the midst of a social and political crisis.  Yet, you gave.  Many are inappropriately using social media to spread falsehoods, rumors, and gossip about individuals, groups, and organizations, even Hampton.  Still, you gave.  Collectively, you gave more than you have ever given before.   You gave because you believe in Hampton and the foundation upon which it was built.  You gave so that future generations could become Hamptonians.

This year’s giving indicates that the vast majority of Hampton alumni love and support their alma mater.  It is during times such as these that we need this support even more.  I thank you individually and collectively for your gifts to Hampton University.  You have truly let you lives “do the singing.”  Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay positive!

With all good wishes,

William R. Harvey